首页 吃瓜爆料 马斯克证实:新冠病毒是美国资助研发的!!


特朗普政府前疾病预防控制中心主任罗伯特·雷德菲尔德表示,COVID-19 诞生于北卡罗来纳州的一个实验室,该实验室是一项…

特朗普政府前疾病预防控制中心主任罗伯特·雷德菲尔德表示,COVID-19 诞生于北卡罗来纳州的一个实验室,该实验室是一项秘密生物防御计划的一部分。 雷德菲尔德此前曾表示,该疾病来自中国武汉病毒研究所。 现在,经常批评安东尼·福奇博士的雷德菲尔德表示,这种疾病可能起源于北卡罗来纳州。 雷德菲尔德表示,COVID-19 是“作为生物防御计划的一部分而故意设计的”。 他现在辩称,中国不一定制造了这种病毒,一旦“意识到有问题”,他们就尽了最大努力。 然而,他称美国在病毒发展中扮演了“重要角色”。事实上,扮演重要角色的是国家卫生研究院、福奇和国防部。 他说,北卡罗来纳大学的拉尔夫·巴里克博士是这一切的“主谋”。


美国国际开发署(USAID)向生态健康联盟(EcoHealth Alliance)输送了5300万美元,而后者利用美国纳税人的资金,在武汉实验室支持了冠状病毒的功能增益研究——这项研究很可能导致了新冠病毒的产生。


USAID的年度预算超过500亿美元,在100多个国家开展活动,并多次被指与情报行动有关。前USAID主任约翰·吉利根(John Gilligan)曾坦言,该机构“从上到下都被CIA人员渗透”,并解释道:“我们的目标是让特工渗透到我们在海外的所有活动中:政府、志愿者组织、宗教团体,任何领域。”


2014年,美联社(Associated Press)披露,USAID资助创建了一个类似推特的平台,目的是在古巴煽动叛乱。




2022年,生态健康联盟前副总裁安德鲁·赫夫(Dr. Andrew Huff)公开披露了彼得·达萨克(Dr. Peter Daszak)与CIA的所谓联系。




USAID funneled $53 million to EcoHealth Alliance, which then used U.S. taxpayer funds to support gain-of-function research on coronaviruses at the Wuhan lab—research that likely led to the creation of COVID-19. The CIA’s deception regarding COVID-19 origins becomes much clearer when considering USAID’s long history of serving as a CIA front organization. With an annual budget exceeding $50 billion and activities in over 100 countries, USAID has repeatedly been linked to intelligence activities. Former USAID Director John Gilligan once admitted the agency was “infiltrated from top to bottom with CIA people,” explaining that “the idea was to plant operatives in every kind of activity we had overseas: government, volunteer, religious, every kind.” In 2013, a U.S. cable published by WikiLeaks outlined the U.S. strategy to undermine Venezuela’s government through USAID by “penetrating Chavez’s political base,” “dividing Chavismo,” and “isolating Chavez internationally.” In 2014, the Associated Press revealed that USAID funded the creation of a Twitter-like platform intended to incite a rebellion in Cuba. USAID funding has been linked to coups in Haiti, Ukraine, Egypt, and other nations. From 2009 to 2019, USAID partnered with EcoHealth Alliance on the PREDICT program, which identified 1,200 new viruses, trained 5,000 people globally in disease detection, and enhanced 60 research labs. This partnership provided the CIA with a direct channel for embedding human assets within biological research facilities worldwide in exchange for funding and technology transfers. In 2022, Dr. Andrew Huff, a former Vice President at EcoHealth Alliance, publicly revealed Dr. Peter Daszak’s alleged ties to the CIA. The core issue? The CIA lied to the American public about COVID-19’s origins because acknowledging the truth would expose its likely role in funneling taxpayer money through USAID to finance gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab.


